Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Climate Change

TBZ has made climate change a top priority.  We are in the midst of a multi-year campaign to do our part to help reduce the devastating effects of climate change personally, in our community and in the larger world. Thus far we have focused on what we can do in our own homes and in our building. We have:

  • created small accountability groups to make changes to reduce our carbon footprints in our own homes.
  • moved to 100% green energy sources in our building.
  • changed all dishes and cutlery in the TBZ kitchen to compostable.
  • added a bike rack to encourage leaving our cars behind when going to shul.
  • put solar panels on the TBZ roof.

Our next step is to exert our power toward the larger community. We will:

  • put pressure on elected officials.
  • participate in lobby days, writing letters.
  • attend demonstrations together.
  • find new ways to help make systemic change in Brookline, in Massachusetts, in the USA and the world.

Come and join us! For more information, contact