Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Wedding & Commitment Ceremonies

Mazal Tov! Celebrate with us.

TBZ clergy are available for weddings and commitment ceremonies of all gender identities.

Before the ceremony, the couple will have three meetings with the Rabbi to focus on aspects of marriage, including ceremony preparation planning.

Ceremonies with a TBZ rabbi can take place at TBZ or at other venues. Couples are encouraged to check our rabbis’ availability as early as possible in the planning process.

Some of our TBZ clergy are available to officiate at intermarriage ceremonies.

Please contact us for more information.


We love celebrating soon-to-be-married couples with an Aufruf – calling up – to the Torah for an aliyah. After the couple completes the blessing over the Torah the congregation ‘showers’ them with soft candies and dances around them as a way of sharing our wishes for a sweet and fulfilling life together.