Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

About TBZ

About TBZ

TBZ is an independent, inclusive Jewish congregation with members of all ages who are committed to each other, to joyful participatory worship, to meaningful Jewish learning, spiritual growth and acts of social justice.

We nurture a love for Judaism – for Jewish learning, ritual and prayer; to deepen our commitment to justice and compassion; and to help each other live lives of meaning and purpose.

Learn More About Our Independent Shul

Events, Shabbat, and High Holy Days

Events, Shabbat, and High Holy Days

From our weekday morning Boker Tov TBZ services to our Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Saturday morning Shabbat Services, from celebration and commemoration of Jewish Holidays to our deeply moving High Holy Days observances, we bring our whole selves to spiritual practice and worship at TBZ.

Click here for Information on this week’s Services

Shabbat Services and Weekly Message

Shabbat Services and Weekly Message

Every Thursday in anticipation of Shabbat, Rav Claudia posts a weekly Shabbat N’Kabala message and invites us to infuse our Shabbat experience with kavanah (intention). This email message also contains important information about this week’s Shabbat services.

From Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat, to Shabbat morning Torah study and joyful prayer, through soulful Havdalah, Shabbat observance is TBZ’s central organizing principle.

Learn more about Shabbat at TBZ.

Happenings - Stay Informed

Happenings - Stay Informed

From special services to unique classes; from occasions to celebrate to times to comfort one another; from fun in the park to protests in the streets, TBZ is a vibrant and active community.
We keep members informed through special email announcements and our Koleinu newsletter. We update members and the community through our calendar and our weekly Happenings email. See our Fall 2024/5785 Programming Booklet for a preview of upcoming programs.

Stay Informed – Read Current Happenings



At TBZ, we enliven our Jewish spiritual life and lift our souls with joyful singing and contemplative meditation.

Sing Out & Sit In Stillness



From taking a class, to discovering how you can get active in social issues, we offer numerous opportunities for you to learn Torat hayyim, Torah that is alive and relevant, and to be inspired.

Learn More About Learning at TBZ



We strive to put into action desire for and commitment to social justice, through the lens of our Jewish tradition. Our goal is to enact the injunction, “Tzedek tzedek tirdof”- justice, justice we actively pursue.

Join Us in Action



Hesed is at the very heart of our communal lives. Whether you are in need of help or want to volunteer, all our members are an essential part of our gemilut chasadimreciprocal compassion in action.

Be Part of Our Caring Community



Our community loves to share in the simchas of our members with spirited singing and dancing! TBZ spiritual leaders are available to officiate at milestones events and we welcome family, friends and guests to join us!

Come Celebrate with Us!



There are many ways to build holy community at TBZ, through prayer, study, action and participation in our events.

Please join us!

Claudia Kreiman

Claudia Kreiman

Senior Rabbi

Sparks of joy connect the spiritual world and the social activism goals of….

Meet Rav Claudia

Tiferet Berenbaum

Tiferet Berenbaum

Rabbi, Congregational
Learning & Programming

Engages learners from pre-school children to adults…

Meet Rav Tiferet

Noah Weinberg

Noah Weinberg

Musical Prayer Leader

Brings vibrant music from across the Jewish world….

Meet Noah Weinberg

Leah Carnow

Leah Carnow

Assistant Rabbi, Director of Community Engagement

Passionate about stories and embodied spirituality…

Meet Leah Carnow