Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Weekly Torah Study with Reb Moshe

September 14, 2022    
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Join Reb Moshe to explore the Tana”ch (Hebrew Bible). Sessions can focus on the weekly Torah portion and in-depth learning of one book of prophets (eg. Isaiah or Jeremiah) or book from the “Writings” such as Proverbs or Ecclesiastes. Reb Moshe sends out the material via the Torah Study mailing list, contact the office to be put on the list

No previous experience necessary. We each bring ourselves and life experience to the text, and find fresh meaning from this most ancient book. We will read the text together, pausing for insights from Reb Moshe and for space for us to find ourselves in the narrative.

Zoom Only: Zoom link here.