Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Kiddush Talk: Men’s Group Shabbat with Ammi Kohn (in person)

January 6, 2024    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Join Ammi Kohn of the TBZ Mens’ Group for an exploration of American Jewish History from the perspective of four family memoirs and seven generations starting in Russia and Romania in the 1850s to his bi-racial great granddaughter in Jackson, MS in 2023. He recently published his own memoir and his granddaughter’s memoir will be published in 2025. His grandfather, excommunicated by “obscurantists” for early Zionism (1895) and progressive educational ideas, wrote the history of his excommunication for the New York Bureau of Education in 1914. He will also share some material from his uncle who founded the Boston Hebrew Teacher’s College.  Ammi is a graduate of Gratz Hebrew Teacher’s College in Philadelphia.