Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Kabbalat Shabbat with TBZ: HIAS Refugee Shabbat (in person and online)

February 2, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We now have a hybrid option of attending Kabbalat Shabbat at TBZ or joining on Zoom. Please call the office for the Zoom link: 617-566-8171.

Refugee Shabbat is a moment for congregations, organizations, and individuals in the United States and around the world to dedicate a Shabbat experience to refugees and asylum seekers. The fastest-growing European refugee crisis since World War II is still ongoing. People seeking asylum are being turned away at borders around the world. The number of forcibly displaced people has grown to over 110 million. The growing impact of climate change exacerbates the effects of violence, conflict, and economic instability on already vulnerable populations. This is a critical moment for all of us to reaffirm and redouble our support for refugees, asylum seekers, and the forcibly displaced, and an opportunity to step back, reflect, and celebrate the work we have already done. Come learn about TBZ’s important work with refugees and asylum seekers.

Click here to download the Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur.

Find out who is leading Kabbalat Shabbat Services!