Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Shabbat Nariya: The Shabbat Sing Out and Potluck (in person and online)

January 19, 2024    
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Co-sponsored by Kavod Boston and Base Boston once a month, we raise our voices, move our bodies, catch our breath, and gather strength as we create a circle of sound with voices and instruments to welcome Shabbat. Services at 6:00pm followed by community potluck dinners and more singing.

For the potluck, please bring dairy or parve food to share, serving utensils, and an ingredients label. You are also welcome to bring wine (no hechsher needed) to share. Water and paper goods are provided. People are welcome to sit in the community room or bring their food outside to the sukkah area or the front stairs.

You may join us in person or online. Call the office at 617-566-8171 or see our Shabbat N’kabla email for the Zoom link.

Find out who is leading Kabbalat Shabbat Services!

Shabbat Nariya typically meets on the 3rd Friday of the month.