Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Cheshbon HaNefesh Weekly Learning on Zoom: Bein Adam Le’Chavero: Between Me and Others, Lunch and Learn with Dr. Judith Kates

September 13, 2022    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Cheshbon HaNefesh Weekly Learning on Zoom
As a part of Elul preparation, the month before the High Holidays, our tradition calls on us to engage in Cheshbon Hanefesh, “Soul Accounting” on three levels of relationship. Join teachers each week to explore one of those levels in depth.

Tuesday, September 13
Bein Adam Le’Chavero: Between Me and Others, Lunch and Learn
with Dr. Judith Kates
An exploration of the teshuva of King David.


Seeing Happenings or call the office for the Zoom link