Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Boker Tov TBZ

June 22, 2021    
8:00 am - 8:45 am

A wonderful opportunity to start the day with half an hour’s quiet introspection and prayer, as well as some very friendly faces (and chat if you have time afterwards). You don’t have to be a regular: drop in whenever you feel like it. Your Zoom box is always ready for you!

There is a Rabbinic led minyan on Mondays and Thursdays

and a Community-led minyan on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

If you are able and willing to help lead our prayers, we would love to hear from you.

Please see our weekly Happenings email or call the office (617) 566-8171 for the Zoom link.